
100 Things About Me

Ok, I'm taking a cue from all the other bloggers out there and I have created a "top 100" list of things about me. These are in random order.

1. I dreaded turning 30.
2. Now I have no idea why.
3. I love my daughter more than I could have ever imagined.
4. I am a republican, sorta. I'm much more conservative than liberal, but GW sometimes pisses me off.
5. I wish that I owned my own business, I just don't know what it would be.
6. My daughter was attacked by a dog when she was 7 months old.
7. After this happened, I started having panic attacks.
8. I'm now on medication for them.
9. My mother in law pisses me off more than anyone else I know.
10. It's because I let her get to me.
11. I have one sister.
12. My parents are still married, to each other.
13. My daughter is going to be an only child. This was decided before she was born.
14. My husband had a vasectomy when she was 6 weeks old to insure this.
15. I love NASCAR.
16. My favorite driver is Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
17. I cried when his father died.
18. My degree is in marketing.
19. I don't use it.
20. I am terrified of clowns.
21. I am terrified of snakes.
22. My best friend and I met when we were 4.
23. I talk to her almost everyday.
24. I had to put my lab to sleep 5 years ago. I'm still sad about it and it was the hardest thing I've ever done.
25. I watch Days of our Lives everyday. (Thank you TIVO)
26. We live in the country.
27. I wish we lived closer to town almost everyday.
28. I like the peace and quiet though.
29. My house is almost 100 years old.
30. I bowl in a league.
31. My average is a meager 118 pins.
32. I do it because it is fun.
33. I'm having a hard time with this list.
34. I had a c-section when I had my daughter.
35. I love Alabama football.
36. I go to the beach every year with my mom and sister.
37. I love the water. Lake, beach, pool.
38. I've never been on a cruise.
39. I don't want to go on one.
40. I would like to go to an all inclusive resort somewhere tropical with my husband.
41. I live 15 minutes from where I grew up.
42. I've never lived in any other state.
43. I've traveled to Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Tennessee, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C. , North and South Carolina.
44. I would love to go to California, Hawaii and Arizona
45. I don't know why I want to go to Arizona.
46. I need to lose at least 20 pounds.
47. I don't have the willpower to do it.
48. My favorite food is Mexican.
49. My favorite ice cream is Mayfield Turtle Tracks.
50. I cry in most romantic comedies.
51. My favorite movie of all time is "The American President"
52. I own it on DVD, but if it is on TV I will always watch it.
53. I like all kinds of music: rap, country, pop, rock, jazz
54. My favorite artist is Kenny Chesney
55. I am going to see him in concert in August.
56. I worry about things I can't control.
57. I worry about my daughter when she gets older.
58. I hope that I am a good mother to her.
59. Because I don't want her to end up on Oprah talking about what a shitbag I am.
60. I love my husband very much.
61. Sometimes he is an ass.
62. I wish that we had more money.
63. So that I wouldn't have to work.
63. I could be a "lady who lunches"
64. I am terrified of drowning.
65. Therefore I do not like to be in water where I can't touch.
66. I don't like for water to be over my head.
67. I once jumped off a huge rock into the lake where my grandparents live.
68. I was slightly intoxicated.
69. I thought I was going to die.
70. When I was little I wanted to be a school teacher.
71. I was 6 when my sister was born.
72. I was the first girl born on my dad's side of the family since his mother.
73. I'm very spoiled.
74. My mother is one of my best friends.
75. So is my sister
76. I think that we should enforce the death penalty more.
77. I vote in every election.
78. I believe that it is not just your right it is your duty.
79. I smoke.
80. I drink sometimes.
81. I cannot drink liquor very well.
82. I do like margaritas though.
83. I used to work at Burger King in high school.
84. I graduated 22nd out of 375 students from high school
85. I wish I had done so well in college.
86. I went to Troy State University.
87. It was the best time of my life.
88. I don't understand what the big deal is about gay marriage.
89. I love candles.
90. I hate to wear a bra. I should have lived in the 70s.
91. I think that people who are inhumane to animals should be sent to jail.

92. I think that sex offenders should be required to have a sign in their yard saying such.
93. They should also be required to wear a sign around their necks.
94. That is after they have served at least 100 years in prison.
95. I loathe Hilary Clinton
96. I believe that marriage is sacred and forever.
97. I didn't realize how addicting blogging was going to be when I started my blog.
98. I didn't realize the awesome people I'd meet.
99. I can't spell.
100. I am glad to be done with this list.

There you go. 100 things about me.

I will not update this blog. It's sole purpose is to house this 100 things list.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have NEVER beeen to a "blog" before. I found you by typing in Partylite! I have loved reading 100 things about you. You sound so much like me! I love Partylite, have 2 daughters (was supposed to be an only child oops!. I smoke,went to college,etc. I live in Tennessee. Have you ever considered joining Partylite? I would love to talk to you about this. You sound like you would be great! I work full time and do this for fun and the extra money! My e-mail is bshps@aol.com. I would love to hear from you!

10:36 AM  

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